Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Woche 5: Frühstücken im Kaffeehaus

Don't judge me, but it's exhilarating to eavesdrop in a language that you are learning! Occasionally, when out and about, I'll catch a phrase of German floating on the air, and I'll slowly inch (or millimeter) my way subtly, of course, in the direction of the conversation. Not because I really care about what the people are saying to each other, but because I want to know if I can UNDERSTAND them. I crave to hear that fluid, authentic, native speech. No scripted textbook exchanges please, but rather real, spontaneous, error-filled, reversed, fast-forwarded, muffled conversation! 

Maybe when my students are working with this lesson, they can close their eyes for a second and imagine that they are sitting in a Kaffeehaus in Vienna and leaning slightly in one direction towards some people ordering their food and drinks. Maybe it'll help them to feel more confident when they then place their own order and ask their questions, because they will have heard others doing it first. 

Unit Essential Question
How does language empower me?

Daily Learning Target: I can interpret conversations that others are having.

Alabama Course of Study Standards Addressed: Modern Language, Level III
1. Use the target language in oral form to exchange ideas and explain.
2. Interpret culturally authentic oral and written texts in the target language about familiar topics to determine main ideas and supporting details.
4. Analyze information learned about the perspectives and practices of a target culture to describe patterns of behavior typically associated with those cultures.  

ACTFL Can-Do Statements: 
Interpretive Listening: (Intermediate High)
I can easily understand straightforward interactions.

Before strategies: 
Using page 29 from "Ins Kaffeehaus" book, read together the introductory paragraph that describes how a Kaffeehaus is a very popular breakfast destination and presents the terms "Wiener Frühstück" and "Erweitertes Wiener Frühstück". I think that this would be an excellent spot to hand out a copy of or view with a device the breakfast menu at Café Landtmann.

During strategy:
Hören: Ss listen to Hörbeispiel 04 on the CD that accompanies the "Ins Kaffeehaus" book and listen for what foods and/or beverages that are ordered by the customer.

Sprechen: Ss use the following prompts for discussion

  • Wie sieht ein “typisches” Frühstück in den USA aus?
  • Bei uns isst man zum Frühstück…..
  • Bei uns trinkt man zum Frühstück….
  • Was unbedingt dazugehört ist….
Hören: Ss listen to Hörbeispiel 05 and hear how the customer, who's from Hamburg, learns how to order his breakfast while in a Viennese Kaffeehaus! Ss can easily make notes of their conversation with a simple graphic organizer: 
  • In Wien sagt man...
  • In Hamburg sagt man...
After strategy: 
Nach dem Hören: Ss receive this as a handout:

It's page 134 from Baedecker's "Weltwissen." It's a cool cultural piece that illustrates how you just don't order a "Kaffee" when in a Kaffeehaus, as I experienced when visiting the Cafe Sperl for the first time in 2013

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Woche 4: Atmosphäre ist alles

A Viennese Kaffeehaus is more than just a café or a place to grab a coffee. It was explained to me, that because many people live in such small apartments in the city, a Kaffeehaus is, in a way, an extension of a person's living space. Unlike a park, city garden, or other outdoor space, Kaffeehäuser are not dependent on the weather to provide a private space in the public sphere. Snow or shine, you can sit and have the space to chat, read, write, observe, listen, eat, drink, play, flirt, argue, or doze without interruption. Well, I suppose you have to pay your bill eventually.

Unit Essential Question
How do words shape our view of culture?

Daily Learning Target: I can describe the atmosphere of a traditional Viennese Kaffeehaus.

Alabama Course of Study Standards Addressed: Modern Language, Level III
2. Interpret culturally authentic written texts in the target language about familiar topics to determine main ideas and supporting details.  

ACTFL Can-Do Statements: 
Interpretative Reading: (Intermediate Mid)
I can understand basic information in simple texts (quotes all related to the same topic.)

Before strategies: 
Vor dem Lesen: Ss receive quotes from "Ins Kaffeehaus" book (page 18) cut up into chunks and must reassemble them.
  1. Quote 1: "Das Kaffeehaus ist das erweiterte Wohnzimmer des Wieners."
  2. Quote 2: "Kaffee ist im Kaffeehaus nicht Zweck, sondern Kaffeehaus ist das Haus tausendmal wichtiger als der Kaffee. Er ist nicht der Inhalt, sondern die Form, er ist der Vorwand, ein Kaffeehaus aufzusuchen. Er ist Katalysator. Er ist die Eintrittskarte."
  3. Quote 3: "Das Kaffeehaus ist ein Ort für Leute, die allein sein wollen, dazu aber Gesellschaft brauchen.
After correctly reassembling the quotes, Ss present in small groups what each quote means.

During strategy:
Lesen: Ss have a copy of page 18 from "Ins Kaffeehaus" book
  • Preview: read silently statements on Aufgabe 1 list
  • View: Think-Pair-Share strategy working with Aufgabe 1 on p. 18. Ss decide which statements match the quotes on upper part of page.
  • Review:  [I want to do some kind of synonym activity with critical words from quotes and statements, but I haven't figured that out open to ideas! Words for focus: Mittel, Zweck, Gesellschaft, Inhalt, Form, Ober.]
After strategy: 
Nach dem Lesen:  Read the Duden definition of the word Gemütlichkeit and look at this photo to discuss this word.
(not my photo)
Ss in small groups brainstorm for nouns/verbs/adjectives that all relate to the idea of Gemütlichkeit. Ss use a "Wortigel" to organize and collect their data.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Woche 3: Wer geht in welches Kaffeehaus und macht dort was?

This lesson is saturated with language organized to move from simple sentences to word groupings to short texts to inserting words into texts to complete meaning to producing language to accomplish everyday tasks.

Unit Essential Question
How does language empower me?

Daily Learning Target: I can interpret and produce strings of sentences with connectors.

Alabama Course of Study Standards Addressed: Modern Language, Level III
1. Use the target language in oral form to exchange ideas and explain.
2. Interpret culturally authentic written texts in the target language about familiar topics to determine main ideas and supporting details.  

ACTFL Can-Do Statements: 
Presentational Writing: (Intermediate Mid)
I can write on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
Interpretative Reading: (Intermediate Mid)
I can understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life and personal interests or studies.
Interpersonal Communication Speaking: (Intermediate Mid)
I can use my language to handle tasks related to my personal needs.

Before strategies: 
Frage des Tages: Ss complete 5-10 minute writing prompt: "Wo bist du Stammgast? Warum gehst du gern dorthin? Mit wem? Wann? Wie oft? Wo liegt es Was machst du dort? Usw."

Vor dem Lesen: Vocabulary Word Sort Activity a.k.a. Concept Sort

  • Words used: Freundin, Briefe, Studentin, Sommer, Leitungswasser, Wasser, Cappuccino, Gulash, Soda-Himbeer, Schinken-Käse-Toast, Frühstück, konsumieren, angenehm, Terrasse, Stunden, Mittagsmenü, Büros, Arbeit, rauchen, Mittagszeit, Gäste, Kellnerinnen, Vorlesungen, Stammgast, Kellner, Mail, Kollegen, plaudern, durstig, Kaffeehaus, Kaffeehäuser, gemütlich, Stadt, Zeitungen, freundlich, Universität, satt
  • Possible differentiation add-on for language learners with higher proficiency: give extra blank cards for students to add words of their own for each category
  • To reinforce learning, Ss may write completed sorts or make any of their own vocabulary notes as needed individually 

During strategy:
Lesen: Ss have a copy of pages 12 & 13 from "Ins Kaffeehaus" book
  • Preview: read out loud texts (4)
  • Each text describes a typical Austrian Kaffeehaus guest (retired professor, college student, widow, and office worker)
  • View: Ss discuss in small groups each of the texts and the people that are described
Before the Review portion of this lesson, it's critical to explicitly teach the following cultural products, which I do using vocabulary root words and word origins:
  1. Melange: "mêler" is French for 'to mix.' In Deutsch-Deutsch, Milchkaffee, most similar to a latte. Food always sounds fancier if it has a French name! :)
  2. Punschkrapfen: "Punsch" refers to the rum or Cointreau that the cake layers are soaked in; "Krapfen" is the jelly-filled aspect of this confection. This little cake is similar to a French-style petit-four
  3. Rehrücken: "Reh" is deer/venison. "Rücken" points to the back part of the animal. No venison meat here however! It's a chocolate cake shaped to resemble a venison roast.  
  4. Butterkipferl: "Kipf" means 'post' and refers to a (as best as I understand it) to a part of a wagon that connects to the main part of the wagon and keeps the animals pulling it in front of the wagon going straight. This pastry is shaped like this wagon part.
Wappen des Marktes Kipfenberg
Coat of arms from Kipfenberg, Oberbayern
  • Review: with a partner, Ss work to complete Aufgabe cloze activity on page 13 and then Aufgabe 2 on the same page which asks them to the cloze texts to the people and their descriptions from page 12 
After strategy: 
Nach dem Lesen: Ss receive a copy of a recipe for Punschkrapfen and task cards. Working in partners they use the recipe as content for their exchanges.
  1. Ask a question/Answer a question
  2. Express a want/Refuse to fulfill
  3. Describe a problem/Offer a solution
  4. Give a direction/Ask for clarification
  5. Express a need/Agree to assist
  6. Express gratitude/Respond politely
This feedback form developed by the Shelby County School District in Tennesse would be amazing for assessing the Ss performance on this task. I'm going to try it out this next time around!